1: Participate in More Community Events
– Whether it’s farmer’s markets, local concerts, or cultural celebrations, there’s always something happening in the area!
2: Read a Book Each Month
Reading for a few minutes each day can help you FINALLY get through all those books that have been collecting dust on your shelf.
3: Eat Daily Servings of Fruits and Veggies
– Incorporating more healthy foods into your diet can help you feel better this year!
4: Try a New Recipe Each Week
– It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when it comes to food. Mixing things up and trying new dishes can expand your tastes.
5: Experiment with a New Hairstyle
– New Year, New Do! Getting a new haircut or trying a new hairstyle can really set the tone for 2020.
6: Drink More Water
– Investing in a sturdy water bottle can encourage you to drink more water each day
7: Expand Your Vocabulary
– Learn a new word every day!
8: Schedule Overdue Doctors & Dentists Appointments
– Make your health a #1 priority this year!
9: Practice Positive Self Affirmations
– Negative self talk is OUT in 2020. Make a habit of saying nice things to yourself.
10: Get More Sleep
– Try getting in bed 30 minutes to an hour earlier each night.
11: Go for More Walks or Bike Rides
– Exploring your neighborhood or enjoying a new walking trail can be a fun way to get exercise.
12: Keep a Planner
– Keeping a planner can help free up space in your mind to focus on other tasks.
13: Clean a Different Area of Your House Each Week
– Tackle that junk drawer or disorganized closet you’ve been meaning to get to!
14: Schedule “Me Time”
– Disconnect from social media for a few hours every week and take time to relax and recenter yourself.
15: Random Acts of Kindness
– Donate to your favorite NonProfit, pay for the person’s drink behind you in the drive thru line, or be kind to a stranger. No act is too small.
16: Try a new Stress Management technique
– Guided meditation, yoga, and support groups are just a few amazing options.
17: Stick to a Budget
– Sticking to a budget can help you save up for that thing you’ve been working towards!
18: Take an Arts class
– Check out your local dance and art studios for beginners classes. You might ignite a new passion!
19: Quit One Bad Habit
– Whether it’s smoking, eating too much fast food, or biting your nails, we could all stand to break one bad habit this year.
– Make sure to check out our upcoming events on our website!