As a cancer patient, we all have a story to tell about our journey. Although every story is unique, we can relate to one another because we have walked the same path as warriors. It’s the beautiful sisterhood formed by unfortunate circumstances.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April of 2020, just as the Covid-19 pandemic began. As the world shut down I was beginning the battle for my life. Support that would normally be available for cancer patients was put on a hold. It was very unfortunate for us who felt extremely alone.

My faith played a huge part of my cancer journey. I had to rely on my faith and trust that the Lord would guide me through my battle. It was all part of God’s plan and timing that the Art of Life Foundation became part of my story.

A year later, I finished my treatment and was told I was cancer free. The world slowly began to re-open.

I remembered seeing a social media post about an upcoming Art of Life event. I cannot describe how happy and relieved I felt! I invited other survivors I met throughout my journey to join me. These ladies had not met one another before, so I thought it would be the perfect place to share our stories. I believe God placed these amazing women in my life. Art of Life has blessed us with opportunities to express ourselves, bond, and make beautiful works of art through reflection.

In 2022, the five of us attended our very first Survivor Gathering. Ana, Lani, Anna, Clare and myself shared our cancer journeys and instantly bonded. We shared an unspoken assurance that we were all in this together.

We attended our 2nd Survivors Gathering the following year. This time it was just 4 of us. Sadly, our warrior sister Ana gained her wings. She fought hard and left a lasting impression on all of us. I am forever thankful for the memories I made with Ana because of The Art of life Foundation.

Months before she passed away, Ana, Lani, and I participated in the Paint it Forward Project. We made a beautiful butterfly painting called “Unity Flight”. I will forever cherish the time I had with Ana. I now have the beautiful painting we created together to remind me of our friendship and bond. It brings me peace to know that I can take a walk at the Healing Garden and see our beautiful piece of art and think of all the great times we had together.